Poker is a war! It seems very unlikely because we never thought it like a war. But suppose if poker is a war where players as fighter fight for chips. More chips a fighter has more strong he will be and chances of winning war increases. It will be a very funny game of war once we play poker as a war. So in this article, we will know how poker can be a war with qq poker online.

Make poker a battleground

Although poker is a civilized people’s game where chips are like bullets and victory is related to pride and money one who wins more war will have more money and will earn more respect. The beautiful thing about this war is that no one will die in this war, geographical conditions will not change after the war and most importantly it will not harm our environment.

One thing that will lack in this war is that everyone fighting for himself only no team spirit will be there on the battleground. No one is there to support you. Only you have to make a way to every difficult situation. In this war bunches of people sit on a table to take each other’s money and nothing more than that.

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Effects of excessive poker war

It is right that poker is not harming the environment not killing people. But when it comes to money game this poker war become little real because in this world where money matters everything people will not let you go without taking your money once you lose.

  • Tempers are high while one start losing money and by human nature a hate feeling for each other start developing.
  • This is game of luck where one has good luck and other might have bad luck and in this situation conflict between the two will be very high.
  • It becomes more difficult when you start losing but not ready to accept it, in this situation anger comes naturally to your mind and something wrong may happen.


In the whole article, we have gone through various advantages and disadvantages of a poker game but all this depends upon ourselves how we play poker. As mentioned above poker is a war depends completely on us how we take it. If you have control over your mind then nothing like war is there and lastly, one thing must keep in your mind is that poker is all about luck so never lose temperwhile playing.